Tuesday 29 March 2016

Ultimate Home.

   Why do we clean our Homes?!
   Why do we clean our Offices?!
  For Cleanliness and Neat Being.
   Then why don't we keep our Nature like that?!
   We Regularly keep our surrounding that is our homes and offices clean for Hygiene but then what about our surrounding's surrounding that is Nature...
   If you can't clean your surrounding then at least don't make it Dirty.
  Imagine a fish without water. Can it survive? Now imagine a world without trees. Can men survive?
   Lets nurture the nature, so that we can have a better future.
  I don’t want to protect environment. I want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protection.
   Nature always wear the Colours of the Spirit..!
   Save Nature! Save Yourself! 

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