Tuesday 22 March 2016

Anger is D'Anger

   The most Imperfect decisions you take is when you are Angry.
Anger is often more Harmful than any Physical Injury.
   Anger is condition when Tongue works faster than the mind.    
   The things happen in past cannot be Changed but Anger will ruin your present in worry of Future!
   The sharpest sword is a word spoken in Anger...
Every minute you get Angry, you loose your Sixty-Seconds of Peace and Happiness of your mind.
So, Don't teach people never to be Angry, Teach them Anger Management!
   Life is too Short to be Angry and hold Grudges for Others.
   Anger makes you Bitter, love makes you Sweeter...
   Stay away from Anger as it is only one letter away from "D"anger.

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