Wednesday 16 March 2016

Humanity Is My Religion.

  Service to Weaker and Poorer Is Service to God
  Human Science Is far ahead in terms of Inventions and Technology but still it is failed in search of HUMANITY
  We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
  Today i was travelling to hostel from college, and I saw..
" A group of 3-4 homeless children of around 5-6 years where playing near a signal, full of rush and one boy hurt a girl and she was crying sitting in the middle of the road and vehicles where going around her but no one stop. There were people travelling in Mercedes and Audi but they didn't care to stop and watch what's the matter is but then one man sitting on his Splendour walked through signal and picked that girl, gave her food and washed off her tears. "
  I see Humans, but not Humanity...
  How many Disasters do we need to Unite Humanity?!
  Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for Humanity....

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