Tuesday 22 March 2016

Smokers Don't Grow Old, They Die Young..!

   Do we eat that food on which it is written, " Expired "...No!
   Do we use the phone on which we can see,  " 0% Battery "...No!
   Then why do people smoke on which it is clearly written, " It Causes CANCER "?! 
and then we say that we are LITERATE. Stop Fooling Your Self...
Every time you light up a Cigarette, Your saying that your Life isn't Worth Living.
   Thousands of People Stops Smoking Everyday - by Dying from it.
   Smoking helps in Losing Weight, One Lung  at a time!
Smoking is a Habit that drains your Money and Kills you Slowly.
Don't let the Ventilator be the Ultimate reason of you Quit Smoking...
   Kill the Smoking or it will Kill You...
   Stop Smoking! Start Living!