Wednesday 30 March 2016

Stop Being Fake, Be True...

   A Smiling Face, A Laughing Face, A Sad Face, A Angry Face...
   There are so many Faces but the most Dangerous One is FAKE Face!
  The most of the Humans fail in determining that who is Our and who is Fake and we get cheated.
   Some people think that truth can hidden with little cover-up and decoration. But as the time goes by, what is true is revealed and what is Fake fades away.
   One good thing about being in bad situation; it makes picking of Fake Friends Real Easy
   Real Situations always expose Fake People, PAY ATTENTION..!
  Fake people are only nice when it's convenient for them, Genuinely nice people go out of their way to help others.
   Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don't care.
   Be the same Privately, Publicly and Personally

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Ultimate Home.

   Why do we clean our Homes?!
   Why do we clean our Offices?!
  For Cleanliness and Neat Being.
   Then why don't we keep our Nature like that?!
   We Regularly keep our surrounding that is our homes and offices clean for Hygiene but then what about our surrounding's surrounding that is Nature...
   If you can't clean your surrounding then at least don't make it Dirty.
  Imagine a fish without water. Can it survive? Now imagine a world without trees. Can men survive?
   Lets nurture the nature, so that we can have a better future.
  I don’t want to protect environment. I want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protection.
   Nature always wear the Colours of the Spirit..!
   Save Nature! Save Yourself! 

Sunday 27 March 2016

All Limits Are Self-Imposed.

   Go beyond your Strengths and you will Win.
   Go beyond your Abilities and you will Win.
   Go beyond your Limits and you will Win.
  Somebody should tell us at the starting of our Lives, that we are going to Die then might be after listening that we might Live beyond our Limits...
  The Limit is Our Mind, it's upon us that how we train our Minds and how we define the term " Limits " to our Mind..,
   I Always believe that the Sky is the beginning of the Limits..!
   Don't say " I May ", Say " I Will " and then see the Results.
  You have your Key to the Castle of Success, it's upon you that you wanna Unlock that door by Extending your Challenges and by Strengthening your Limits or Be Average and Stay Ordinary...
Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you couldn't.
   Know your Limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.
   Just Do It!

Saturday 26 March 2016

Power of Love, Care and Sacrifice

   From Long Ago, People Go to Temples or Churches in search of Happiness and Do Good Deeds but they don't know that they have their very own Personal and Private Happiness Machine and it is their PARENTS!
And to talk about Good Deeds, then Just Respect your Parents...
  One of the Biggest Blessings in the World is to have Mom and Dad..!
Don't Anger your Parents in order to please other people, Those other people did not spend their lives building Yours...
  The Dirty Truth of today's generation is " OLD AGE HOMES! ", Is it so tough to Care for your Parents.
Old Parents are just like Kids only, we have to take care of them with Love and Affection..., for their and our Happiness!
I Will Like to Tell You All A Short Story,
   An Old Man took his Phone to a Repair Shop
" Technician : Nothing is wrong with this Phone.
Old Man with tears in Eyes : Then why don't my Children ever call me... "

Never complain over what your Parents never offered you, they probably gave you all they had.
  Respect them who made your Existence...

Friday 25 March 2016

Inhale Confidence! Exhale Doubt!

   What is Confidence?
When you know that chances of Winning are 0.01%, but you Win..." That is Confidence! "
   The Condition when whole World is saying that, this thing is not going to work and you make it work..." That Is Confidence! "
   The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.
   Always be yourself and have faith in yourself...
  Do not go out and look for a Successful Personality and try to Duplicate it..!
  Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow Stronger and Stronger, more and more Skilled, more and more Self-Confident.
   If you have Hard Work, Will Power, Dedication and Confidence in Yourself you can Fly High leaving all the obstacles behind..
   Be what you are, Do what you do!
   Just Believe In Yourself...

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Smokers Don't Grow Old, They Die Young..!

   Do we eat that food on which it is written, " Expired "...No!
   Do we use the phone on which we can see,  " 0% Battery "...No!
   Then why do people smoke on which it is clearly written, " It Causes CANCER "?! 
and then we say that we are LITERATE. Stop Fooling Your Self...
Every time you light up a Cigarette, Your saying that your Life isn't Worth Living.
   Thousands of People Stops Smoking Everyday - by Dying from it.
   Smoking helps in Losing Weight, One Lung  at a time!
Smoking is a Habit that drains your Money and Kills you Slowly.
Don't let the Ventilator be the Ultimate reason of you Quit Smoking...
   Kill the Smoking or it will Kill You...
   Stop Smoking! Start Living!

Put A Stop To The Drop.

   Today is One of the most Auspicious Occasion of India, "HOLI"...
But, have we ever realised that how much Water do we Waste to Taste the Enjoyment of couple of hours...
A Drop of Water that drips from a Leaking Tap per second wastes 27000 Gallons of Water Annually.
   The Most Ugly Truth of Wasting Water is that it is responsible for most of suicides of Farmers happening in India that is Indirectly WE are Responsible..!
    It takes lots of Blue to Save Green.
Conserve those you Love, the things that Matter, what keeps you Living..
So let's make this HOLI a Water-Free and Eco-Friendly HOLI.
   Water = Life , Conservation =  Future!
   Happy Holi...

Anger is D'Anger

   The most Imperfect decisions you take is when you are Angry.
Anger is often more Harmful than any Physical Injury.
   Anger is condition when Tongue works faster than the mind.    
   The things happen in past cannot be Changed but Anger will ruin your present in worry of Future!
   The sharpest sword is a word spoken in Anger...
Every minute you get Angry, you loose your Sixty-Seconds of Peace and Happiness of your mind.
So, Don't teach people never to be Angry, Teach them Anger Management!
   Life is too Short to be Angry and hold Grudges for Others.
   Anger makes you Bitter, love makes you Sweeter...
   Stay away from Anger as it is only one letter away from "D"anger.

Monday 21 March 2016

Food is Fuel!!

    After the loving shelter of parents the only thing which kept human alive is food.
Food is good, unless and until it is not wasted .
    The emotion of food getting wasted and the sensation of Hunger are the most heart-breaking problems.
In today's time 90% of food is wasted by 10% of the population.
    Most of the people in this world end up their lives by saying how can an individual bring the change , but we can!!!
    Yes!! " I stay in Jain hostel where me and my group of 7 to 8 friends selflessly go every night and find the poor and unlucky people to give them the food that remains after the dinner in the mess so that they are at least able to stay ALIVE who are not also able to manage their food for one time...."
Millions find it hard to get what we take for granted.
    Food , in the end , in our own tradition is something holy. Its not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity.
    So, save the food , save the life and save the earth...

Sunday 20 March 2016

Your Life Your Choice !!!

    In today's life most of the people depends on others means if they are doing something , I also have to do the same thing. But practically we have to think ourselves and work on it to achieve something new and different.
    There are many people in the world who changes there decision because of others. They are not firm about their own decisions.
    So , everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents , not your relationship and not on your job.
    You and only you is responsible for the decision and choices you make...
   So remain firm to your decision and show others that you can achieve something new which they are not expecting from you....

Friday 18 March 2016

Time To Think, Manage and Begin !!!

   In todays world, the weakest as well as strongest behaviour of human is its Time Management.
Time neither Moves, nor is Stationary. Time Changes, It's upon us how we will like to see the change..
   It's High Time to Respect Time!
Mostly, todays Youth are the weakest in managing Time..
Let's give importance to Present Time and it will Pay Us in Future...
   Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.
My favourite things in life don't cost any money, it's really clear that most precious resource we all have is time.
Time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy..
   Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not yet come, We have only Today. Let us Begin.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Freedom Of Expression, Really?!

   The most Powerful Right given to an Individual in its Country
I stand for Freedom of Expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your Dreams.
But are We using this in what manner it should be used!?
   Violence is not always Physical but it is Verbal too,
Some people don't care what they are speaking in respect of Nation or any Individual..They Just Say It!
Some damages are seen Externally while some are Internal and Emotional..!
   In recent times, there are many events happen in Nation where people have hurt Citizens Emotionally under the term "FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION"
Although, there is Free Speech but Free Speech Is Not Unlimited.
So, we should think twice what we are about to speak and then say it..
   But Yes,
  It is also true that Freedom Of Expression is the strongest weapon we have, Let's use it in a way it should be....
  Free Expression Is The Base Of Human Rights, The Root Of Human Nature And Mother Of Truth....

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Humanity Is My Religion.

  Service to Weaker and Poorer Is Service to God
  Human Science Is far ahead in terms of Inventions and Technology but still it is failed in search of HUMANITY
  We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.
  Today i was travelling to hostel from college, and I saw..
" A group of 3-4 homeless children of around 5-6 years where playing near a signal, full of rush and one boy hurt a girl and she was crying sitting in the middle of the road and vehicles where going around her but no one stop. There were people travelling in Mercedes and Audi but they didn't care to stop and watch what's the matter is but then one man sitting on his Splendour walked through signal and picked that girl, gave her food and washed off her tears. "
  I see Humans, but not Humanity...
  How many Disasters do we need to Unite Humanity?!
  Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for Humanity....

Monday 14 March 2016

Be creative

    Creativity is putting your imagination to work and its produced the most extraordinary results in your life!!!
    Creativity is nothing but to create or to think something different than others. Also in today's time imagination is more important than knowledge . Knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand while imagination embraces the entire world and it will be for lifetime to know and understand.
    It is the process of having original ideas that have value because a human brain had a vast memory storage , it made us curious and very creative.
   So, live a creative life without a fear of being wrong....

Thursday 10 March 2016

Challenges in life

  In day to day life we have to face many challenges .
  Challenges in our life come in three different categories  
  Those who take the Easy way have a Safe and Boring life ; those with Difficult way have a Satisfying life ; and those taking the Impossible way are Remembered Forever .....
  Each challenge in our life actually helps us to overcome our fear and to remain be confident and determined for future...
  Always pay attention to your life's challenges and what you learn out of it....
  Don't Limit your Challenges, Challenge your Limits
  So , stand up and face challenges without fear and without thinking of failure in your life....