Thursday 8 September 2016


  Water and Air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends,
have become global garbage cans.
   In Mexico City, Tehran, Kolkata, Bangkok, Shanghai, and hundreds of other cities, the air is no longer safe to breathe.
   In some cities, the air is so polluted that breathing is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day.
   Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution.
   What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.
   Environment Is Our Best Friend Which Is Now Getting Polluted, It Is in Our Hands to Protect Our Friend.
   Destruction is a man's will,
Prevention is also a man's will,
   Its a man's choice to choose between
Destruction and Prevention.
Modern Technology Owes Ecology An Apology... Our Luxuries are root cause of the Pollution!
   Be a part of Solution, not part of the Pollution.
Environmental pollution is an Incurable Disease. It can only be Prevented.
   Go Green to keep it Clean!

Tuesday 6 September 2016


The reason of our Luxuries,
The reason of our Living,
The reason of our Existence,
It is the Foundation on which we have builded our complexes of Luxuries...
By Killing the Nature's Ecosystem we have fulfilled our needs but, we aren't understanding that ultimately we are bringing our end only towards us.. It's Indirect Suicide
The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
Protect Nature and Nature will Protect you.
Humans are the only creatures who cut the tress, made Paper from it and wrote
 "SAVE TRESS" on it.
Forest, Jungles, Trees, Plants produce the oxygen we breathe, they are the Lungs of the Earth.... If we destroy them we destroy ourself.
Our challenge isn't so much to teach our children about natural world, but to find ways to nurture and sustain the instinctive connections they already carry.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...
Let's be selfish this time and at least Save
Save Trees, Save Earth..
Save Earth, Save Environment...
Save Environment, Save Existence....

Saturday 13 August 2016

I 3 Professional insight , interview with Mr. Manohar Jain

     As I m studying civil engg., a talk with a man of same field is helpful for my sake. N fortunately had an interaction with a civil engg Mr. Manohar Jain.
     1. Amongst various branches of engg. Why did you choose particularly this branch ?
     - Actually I was interested in structures from my childhood. So think of converting my passion into my profession, I have taken this branch.

    2.What are the challenges in this field ? 
   - This profession is full of challenges and risk at every step. Risk associated with lives of people, money, land etc. But at the same time this field is now fully flegged with advancement of technologies which overcome risks. & according to me challenge is the mother of invention which make this field more interesting.

     3.Is the theoretical  knowledge we gained in our degree course, sufficient to work in field ? 
   - What we have learnt during our graduation, is absolutely essential to work on field. but it is not at all sufficient. Theory sometimes idealized many  concepts which are not applicable at site. Though it help us to sort out technical problem to some extent, some problems occuring at site require your presence of mind and experience
     4.After completing education in this field what career options are available ?
   - This field is surrounded by many opportunities. You may work as consulting engg., govt contractor, opt for govt. Jobs in PWD, B&C etc. Or prepare for IES exam and many more.

     5. What are the keys, you suggest, to young enggs for being successful ?   
   -  Your 1) smart work, 2)Faith in yourself, 3) enthusiasm & passion for your work, 4) consistency, 5) Honesty. According to me these are keys for being successful in any field.

I 3 Professional insight, talk with Ms. Tina Dabi

      Its my pleasure to have a chance of interaction  with Ms. Tina Dabi , UPSC AIR 1 In 2015 after a felicitation ceremony.

 1 . What was your first reaction when you came to know about your result ?
      I was shocked !!!   I checked the result 2/3 times to convince that result is mine cause I had never thought of clearing the exam at the age of just 22 years .  And I became very very happy.

2. Who is your inspiration and role model ?
      My one and only role model is my mother. I give all credit to my mother for being so supportive as UPSC is very tough exam. It was a team work of me and my mother. I am also obliged to Mukul sir, my teacher for his guidance.

3. How did you prepare for your exam ?
      A lot of hard work is required. I used to study for about 8-10 hours a day. Studying too much for long hours was never my approach. I used to study with small-small breaks. There is no substitution for hard work.

4. What is your secret of success ?
      PATIENCE. Patience is the key to success. I even used to feel lonely and depressed due to such a hectic schedule. Other parts of my life became almost non-existent.

5. What are your future plans ?
     Wherever I go, I will work against gender discrimination and women empowerment. To whichever district I am posted, I want to set an example for my subordinates by working with integrity and empathy.

6. What is your message to youth aspiring to enter in Civil Services?
      To clear Civil Services exam, on doesn’t need to possess any special talent. Hard work with sheer dedication, patience, regularity and revision is enough for someone to clear Civil Services exam.

I 3 - Professional insight , interview with Mrs. Mohini Kelkar mam.

          Its my good luck to have a chance of interaction after a seminar on entrepreneurship development with Mrs. Mohini kelkar ma'm - CEO of Grind master machines pvt. Ltd

     1. What is your educational qualification ?               
               I completed my graduation in production engineering. from VJTI mumbai. I was the only girl in production branch at that time in my batch. 

    2. How did the idea for your business come out ?                                                
               Well, me & my husband Mr. Milind were developing indigenous metal finishing machines from a rented garage in Aurangabad city. Until the time, all those metal finishing operations were performed manually which had limitations on time, accuracy & consistency of finish. This also resulted in unhealthy work environment. So, identifying this gap in efficiency of productivity, we focused on developing & manufacturing automatic & semi-automatic metal finishing machine.

     3. So, How was your journey ? 
                Journey was not at all easy. Many hurdles came across our path. Resigning a well-paid job & to start up with completely new idea by middle class couple, was considered as foolish decision. But I must say when you have strong determination & faith in yourself, no one can put you down.

     4. Can you tell about your team/ staff ? & how important have good employees been to your success ? 
                See me & my husband along with our 200 people team are always dedicated & determined to deliver high performance solution. Only due to combined efforts of all our company has reached out to world market & considered amongst the group of elite world class machine builders.
    5. What advice would you like to give to many who wants to be an entrepreneur ?     
              I believe in ' can & will ' motto. Means whatever you think, you can, you definately will.. with your hardwork & persistance. Also I want to tell you people that rather than being a jobseeker, be a job maker.

Sunday 8 May 2016

My Lifeline.

   Doctor, Engineer, Actor, Singer...What A Talent!
Such A Successful Professions are this...
   But this tree of Talents requires Nourishment, which is MOTHER.
   A Mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled..,
Only a Mother will see you in your Best,
Even after seeing you at your Worst...!
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts.
A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
   Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; But a mother’s secret hope outlives them all.
   I am sure that if the mothers of various nations could meet, there would be no more wars.
   God couldn't be Everywhere, So he created Mom!
To all the moms in this World...

Sunday 10 April 2016

Ship of Emotions and Love...

   Who Said, that one who has same Family or same DNA or same Blood in their veins are Brothers..!? No... But one who has same Heart, are Brothers! And they are Friends!
    If I have Brother it doesn't mean that I have Friend; but if I have Friend I definitely have Brother...
  Mother, Father, Brother, Sister all these relations in this World are blessings of God but Friend is the only   one which chosen by Us because God also knows that Friendship is not about Upper or Middle Class, Weaker or Poorer or Any Religion, It's about Love, and Love is all about Emotions..!
    Friends are Siblings God Never gave us.
    I don't have Dozens of Friends, they are very Few,
   But I Knew that this Few will sacrifice their life too also if I'm in trouble...
    Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school.
    But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.